Are our Social Choices with regards to Landfill/Greenhouse Gasses causing a detrimental effect on our Companys balance Sheet?   What is E.S.G:   Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria are a set of standards for a company’s operations that...
How Cleanrooms Have Thrived During this Pandemic

How Cleanrooms Have Thrived During this Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has undoubtedly affected several aspects of human existence. Even the medical, pharmaceutical, and production sectors have been impacted by this deadly virus.   The death tolls in many countries are indications of the intensity of the...
CC Matting Gets ISO Certified

CC Matting Gets ISO Certified

CC Matting is delighted to announce that we are now ISO certified. The ISO certification is only awarded to a limited number of companies that meet high level safety standards. The ISO certification certifies that a management system, manufacturing process, service,...
How Shoes Transfer Bacteria

How Shoes Transfer Bacteria

When it comes to preventing the spread of infectious bacteria, everyone – even months-old toddlers – know that hand washing is significantly effective. But has it ever crossed your mind that taking supermodel strides with your €800 Christian Louboutin stilettos could...
Hospital Floors are a Breeding Ground for Bacteria

Hospital Floors are a Breeding Ground for Bacteria

In hospitals, patients are usually too busy trying to get well, and doctors and caregivers are always engrossed in the welfare of their patients. Hardly will you find anyone free enough to take note of a very important, but never-noticed part of the hospital premises...